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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawAre The Costs Of Having A Thai Company In Line With The Benefits

Are The Costs Of Having A Thai Company In Line With The Benefits

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing corporations here in Thailand, companies specifically, setting up companies. I am going to look at this and take this video from the standpoint of someone looking to come over here and live and work in Thailand and utilize a Thai Corporation as a vehicle for that endeavour. And the question posed is, is it really worth it? Are the cost commensurate with the benefits?

So the first thing you have got to understand is what benefits are you talking about? If you are looking at a company as a vehicle to maintain long-term visa and Work Permit status, it sort of is what it is. There are costs associated with getting it set up, the benefit you get out of it is you can live and work in Thailand; you've got a corporation under which to work, you can utilize corporate banking facilities via that corporation etc. 

That said, in terms of longer term benefits, there could be more. Me personally, I have benefited directly or indirectly from maintaining a corporation here in Thailand for years in the form of things like long-term residence and now I have naturalized to Thai citizenship and I could not have done that without the underlying company. 

So the thing to take away from this video is to understand, it is not just looking at this like a company, like you are using a company in a traditional sense, there are Immigration implications associated with it. The other thing to keep in mind is the overall cost may vary depending on the specific facts in your underlying case.