Latest Updates Regarding BOI and Thailand 4.0

Further information regarding the implications and Board of Investment benefits of the Thailand 4.0 initiative.

Is it Better to Buy an Existing Thai Company or Setup a New One?

Those wishing to do business in Thailand often come upon the conundrum: should I start my own business or buy into an existing one?

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Restaurant Licenses in Thailand

Alcohol, tobacco, and so-called restaurant licenses are important for those wishing to operate an F&B business in Thailand.

Credit Cards and Mortgages in Thailand

For foreigners in Thailand, getting a credit card or mortgage can be difficult.

Thailand Business Law: Thai Work Permits

Employment authorization is derived through approval of a Thai work permit.

Thailand Business Setup: Company Registration in Thailand

There are a number of prerequisites for setting up a business in Thailand.

Thailand Company Set Up: Foreign Business Licensing Under the US Thai-Treaty of Amity

Information regarding corporate registration and certification under the American Amity Treaty in Thailand.

Thai Minimum Wage Hike and the Possible Impact on Work Permits

Foreign Nationals working in Thailand need a work permit. The prerequisites for a work permit require certain tax documentation be filed with respect to a company's Thai work force. Therefore, recently announced changes to the Thai minimum wage can have knock-on implications for foreign nationals holding work permits.

Public Health and Safety Certificates for Restaurants in Thailand

Public health certification is especially important for those in the restaurant business in Thailand.

Officials in Thailand Discussing Online Taxation

Recently, Revenue Department Officials have been discussing the notion of taxing online transactions.