Mandatory COVID Testing for Thai Work Permits?

A brief discussion on whether it could be expected that mandatory COVID testing could be required for Thai Work Permits.

Corporate Restructuring in Thailand

Some insight into merging or dissolving companies in Thailand due to the downturn in economy following the response to COVID

Are There US Tax Implications When Buying a Thai Condo?

Some insight into whether owning a Thai Condo could have US tax implications.

"The Great Reopening" in Thailand?

Some insight into the relaxation of the recent "lockdown" in Thailand and the easing up of some restrictions.

Thai Visas and Changes to Social Security Contributions

Some insight into changes in the Social Security Contributions that may be put in place and how it relates to Thai Visas

Issues with Financially Distressed Companies in Thailand

A brief discussion on how to proceed if a company in Thailand is financially distressed.

Corporate Insolvency Applications in Thailand

Some information on the steps that may need to be taken when one is applying for corporate insolvency here in Thailand

Thai Work Permits and Changes to Social Security Contributions

Some information on the change in Social Security Contributions and how this could impact foreigners doing in business in Thailand and Work Permits

Do I Need a Work Permit to Deal with Bitcoin in Thailand?

Some information and insight on dealing with Bitcoin in Thailand and whether one needs a Work Permit to do so.

Licensing for Cryptocurrency Management Advisory in Thailand

Some information on the need for a license that is now a requirement for Digital Asset Fund Managers in Thailand