Tax And Accounting
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There is an old adage that says: “there are only two sure things in life: Death and Taxes”. We will leave it to the medical profession to deal with solving the first problem, but unfortunately taxes do not appear to be going away anytime soon.
In both Thailand and the United States of America taxes and tax issues are commonplace. However, both countries have radically different tax systems and codes of law underlying said systems. Meanwhile United States Citizen are taxed upon their worldwide incomes. Therefore, even if an American is deriving his or her income exclusively in the Kingdom of Thailand said individual may still be liable for United States income tax.
Integrity Legal’s Managing Director is an attorney licensed to practice before the United States Tax Court and routinely provides insight to our clients regarding the ramifications of recent legislation such as the signing of an agreement between Thailand and the USA regarding the sharing of American and Thai banking information, the recently enacted Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), Foreign Bank Account Reports (FBARs), Double Taxation Treaties, and the Foreign Earned Income Exemption (FEIE). We pride ourselves on providing the most up to date information on American tax matters to our clients and advising them on strategies to remain in compliance with United States tax law while operating abroad.
While keeping our clients up to date on relevant US tax law our Thai staff is composed of Thai corporate attorneys and registered accountants to assist our clients in complying with Thai tax rules and regulations. The accounting system in Thailand along with the tax code are complex and are in many ways fundamentally dissimilar to the American accounting and tax systems. Add to this complexity the fact that most relevant Thai tax documentation is published in the Thai language and a foreign national conducting business in Thailand could find the tax field entirely overwhelming.
Integrity Legal provides different levels of tax and accounting services to our clients depending upon each client’s individual needs and the size of their enterprise. We look forward to providing further assistance to new clients in the future