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YouTubing In Thailand On A Retirement Visa?

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing retirement in Thailand and YouTubing. I made another video contemporaneously with this one where we got into the issue of whether or not content creation is work in Thailand. As we discussed in that video, sort of the legal definition of work in Thailand is very, very broad; similar analysis in this vein. Again I look at the retirees as a little bit different because I know there are a lot of channels - especially of guys up-country - who just sort of make almost like a video blog of their life and just sort of talk about stuff that they are doing and I am hard-pressed to look at that and say they are working.

Now as we discussed in the video regarding "is content creation work?" compensation is a big factor. If you are being paid, if you are monetized as they say in the ether of the internet these days, I think you are on a bad track there and I think you are opening yourself up to the real possibility of having serious Work Permit violations, possible tax implications that could cause you a lot of problems down the road especially if you are in Thailand on a Retirement Visa, standard Retirement Visa which is not work authorized. So again, starting from that standpoint, you need to understand that there are Work Permit violation implications to certain YouTubing activities in Thailand. 

Now as we discussed also in that video, those who do this basically, not basically but sincerely as a hobby, they are engaging in YouTubing, content creation, whatever as a hobby and they are on a Retirement Visa in Thailand, that may be a slightly different analysis. Now as we discussed in other videos, again the legal definition of work is very, very broad. I mean you could make an argument that like breathing or taking a step could arguably be considered work under this very broad definition of what work constitutes. I mean literally if I recall reading about that - and we did the videos already - but I think any kind of expense of effort could be deemed to be work here in Thailand. So again, it's something to be concerned about when you are doing this analysis, but I think you have to look into yourself and really be honest with yourself, "is what you are doing truly a hobby or are you really working", and you know, you do know if it's one thing or the other. It's really not all that nebulous I don't think any more especially in this era of pretty rapid and pretty widespread monetization of many channels and many content creators out there. So again, compensation changes the analysis. If it really is a hobby, fair enough. Again you could still get in trouble for it because or you could have issues with it - trouble might be too strong a word - but you could have issues involving scrutiny of it because again the very broad legal definition of work here in Thailand. But long story short, at the end of the day I think most people know deep down whether or not what they are doing really does constitute work on a Retirement Visa here in the Kingdom of Thailand.