Foreigners "Buying Land At Inflated Prices" In Thailand?

A talk on the restrictions regarding foreigners buying land in Thailand for which one of the reasons is that Thai nationals can be priced out of their own market.

Will The Thai Land Code Be Amended To Target "Proxies"?

A talk on the Land Code in Thailand which states that foreigners cannot buy land in Thailand which although the Law itself will probably remain unchanged, regulations regarding enforcement of the Law could be tightened.

Thai Government Cutting Taxes On Property Transfer?

A talk on transfer fees for those who are considering buying property here in Thailand in that the Government is reducing the transfer fee and mortgage registration.

The Perils Of "El Cheapo" Wills In Thailand And Abroad?

A talk on drawing up a Will in Thailand specifically what one needs to beware of when choosing a firm to handle the matter, especially in a binational context.

What About Silver In Thailand

This talk is about silver specifically the reason why it may not be as popular to buy compared to gold in Thailand.

Lifetime Property Leases In Thailand?

A talk on leasing property in Thailand for which the maximum time period possible is 30 years and therefore a usufruct may be more beneficial to a foreign national.